We engage in panoramic financial planning in the context of a long-term partnership with you through our proprietary process, The True North FORMula. The beauty of our process is that it ensures we never lose sight of two essential elements to achieving financial independence. Those two elements are what matters, and what we can control.
What matters are the “whys” in your life – Your Family, Your Job, Your Bucket-list items, and your Legacy. This gives us the complete picture. What we can control is our Philosophy, Planning Strategy, and our Process to get you to financial independence. By living at the intersection of what matters and what we can control, we are able to guide you to your True North.

Our Partnership with You
To maintain a successful working relationship, one where we can help you achieve your financial and lifestyle goals, you can expect that we will consistently and responsibly perform all the services outlined below.
What You Can Expect:
- Acquire and maintain a thorough understanding of your financial goals.
- Update your current financial information as your life unfolds and your needs evolve.
- Carefully determine and monitor your investment risk and timeframe.
- Explain the implications of all recommended financial planning strategies.
- Update you when appropriate by appointment, email, mail, or telephone.
- Meet with you regularly to review your personal financial situation.
- Act as your primary financial advisor and steward of your financial future.
- Coordinate with other financial professionals as required.
- Treat you with the utmost respect and professionalism.